As things slowly start to resume to some sort of ‘normal’, Young Adult Carers have been able to restart their drop-ins. We are currently offering a fortnightly drop-in during term time, at South Devon College by appointment only, to keep in line with social distancing and excitingly we also had our first drop-in back at Jasmyn House at the start of June, which was enjoyed by all. One Young Adult Carer commented afterwards “It was lovely to see you all today”. Fingers crossed the Jasmyn House drop-in will continue on a monthly basis, growing ever more popular and giving Young Adult Carers a safe space for a laugh and a catch up.

Torbay Young Carers and Young Adult Carers hosted a transition event at the end of June at Battlefields Live. This included 90 minutes on the battlefield, followed by an hour to enjoy some much-needed lunch. The event gave Young Carers an opportunity to meet Young Adult Carers and staff, who were available to find out how they can support Young Carers in their roles, as they move on from secondary school to college. The event was a great success.

June also gave us the first chance this year, to raise some funds and we all had a good time running a bricabrac, cake and Carers information stand at The Old Brixham Market next to the Golden Hind; it was a fun day for all involved. As things continue to improve with the current Covid situation, we continue to plan for the coming summer months and we hope to gather once again, to join our YAC’s in some outdoor activities in and out of the Bay, for example – a hike on Dartmoor, coastal walks and Kayaking.
Enjoy the summer months and stay safe.

Dave Baker, Young Adult Carers Development Worker

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